these shots are of the new chase center. its not open yet. you can't see signs of construction around it because I shot around them. it's in the space where there used to be a parking lot, next to the metcalf building. at least I think it's the metcalf building. we used to walk through that parking lot to get to the snake pit. the pit's gone now, too. they took it out to make room for a hallway and put in a big and expensive cafeteria in the hospital trust building. I have pictures of that, too; the space where the pit used to be, not the new cafeteria.

this is a view from benefit street down between the museum and the place where the mail room used to be. that's moved, too, down next to the store now. so this used to be the very steep, black, metal staircase down to the snake pit. this may technically be an improvement but I really miss the old one. I thought having a little moment of fear was a good thing when walking around campus.

and this shot is taken from where the snake pit used to be, I think. at least I looked through a door and saw something I think was in the hallway behind the snake pit when I was walking through here.
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